Aluminum Coil is a flat rolled product in an unprocessed state, usually rolled into a coil shape for easy handling and transportation. Coated Aluminum Coil refers to a product that is sprayed on the surface of the aluminum coil, also known as color coated aluminum coil or color coated aluminum coil. After color coating, the aluminum coil can improve the application performance and aesthetics of the aluminum coil ...
Do you know what density is?
Density is a basic physical property of a substance, which describes the mass of a substance per unit volume. Specifically, density refers to the amount of substance contained in a unit volume, usually represented by the symbol ρ (rho). In physics, density is defined as the ratio of the mass of a substance (m) to the volume it occupies (V), that is, ρ = m/V. Density can be express ...
Alyuminiy chiziqlar juda ko'p foydalanishga ega, va kundalik hayotimizda unga muhtoj bo'lgan ko'p narsalar mavjud, such as transformers, earphones, and heaters. Umuman, aluminum strips are silver, which is very common and popular. Color-coated aluminum strip is the coloring treatment of the surface layer of aluminum plate or aluminum strip. It is a popular aluminum profile at present. The common ones are fluorocarbon color-coated ...
Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy qotishmalari istalgan dasturga va kerakli rangga qarab farq qilishi mumkin. Umuman, alyuminiy qotishmalari 1xxx, 3xxx, va 5xxx seriyali eng ko'p rangli qoplangan alyuminiy uchun ishlatiladi. 1xxx seriyali qotishmalar sof alyuminiy bo'lib, mukammal korroziyaga chidamliligi va yaxshi ish qobiliyatiga ega. Biroq, ular yumshoq va yuqori quvvat talab qilinadigan ilovalar uchun mos emas.
Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar odatda me'moriy bezakda ishlatiladi, elektr jihozlari, avtomobillar, aerokosmik va boshqa sohalar. Quyida rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulonlarning bir nechta keng tarqalgan qo'llanilishi keltirilgan: Arxitektura bezagi: Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulonlar tomlar kabi me'moriy bezak materiallari uchun ishlatilishi mumkin, tashqi devorlar, shiftlar, eshik va deraza romlari. Elektr jihozlari: Rang-koa ...
Color coating aluminium sheet is made by degreasing and chemically treating the surface of the aluminum substrate, then rolling on a high-quality coating and drying and curing. The substrate material is the same as that of the web. Through the high-performance roller coating process, it can more effectively control the precision and flatness of the plate, successfully eliminating the traditional cause of bump and ...