With its small specific gravity, easy processing and high mechanical strength, aluminum sheet has been widely used for many years in doors, windows, curtain walls and other products of buildings. Aluminum is a relatively active light metal with silver luster, and its corrosion resistance has the following two characteristics. The higher the purity, the better the corrosion resistance, mainly because pure alumi ...
Kamuflyaj rangli qoplangan alyuminiy lasan bir nechta afzalliklarga ega, shu jumladan: Estetik jozibadorlik: Kamuflyaj rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulon tashqi bezatish kabi turli xil ilovalar uchun ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan noyob va jozibali naqshga ega., tom yopish, va siding. Bu binolarga tabiiy va rustik ko'rinish beradi va ov lagerlarida ayniqsa mashhur, harbiy inshootlar, va tashqariga chiqish ...
Zamonaviy bezak va qurilish ko'proq va qulayroq bo'ladi, va odamlar ko'p sahnalarda alyuminiy plitalar va alyuminiy rulolarni material sifatida tanlaydilar. Qurilish kabi, bezatish va boshqalar. Ko'proq bardoshli bo'lish uchun, rangli qoplangan alyuminiy plitalar va rangli qoplangan alyuminiy rulolar paydo bo'ldi, hayotda keng qo'llaniladi. Rangli qoplangan alyuminiy ko'plab mahsulot xususiyatlariga ega va to'rtta asosiy xususiyatga ega ...
Color coating aluminium sheet is made by degreasing and chemically treating the surface of the aluminum substrate, then rolling on a high-quality coating and drying and curing. The substrate material is the same as that of the web. Through the high-performance roller coating process, it can more effectively control the precision and flatness of the plate, successfully eliminating the traditional cause of bump and ...
Product name: black coated aluminum sheets Aluminum sheet with top side 18 mic pe black coated and back side with laqure SIZE (MM)
ALLOY / TEMPER 0.9 x 1036 x 2100
Do you know what density is?
Density is a basic physical property of a substance, which describes the mass of a substance per unit volume. Specifically, density refers to the amount of substance contained in a unit volume, usually represented by the symbol ρ (rho). In physics, density is defined as the ratio of the mass of a substance (m) to the volume it occupies (V), that is, ρ = m/V. Density can be express ...